Quick Reference Handbook: Setting Up Fedora Workstation Installation

Fedora Workstation is a up-to-date and easy-to-use GNU/Linux distribution. After installing Fedora Workstation 28, some tweaking work could be done to make the system more comfortable.

· 2 min read
Quick Reference Handbook: Setting Up Fedora Workstation Installation

Fedora Workstation is a up-to-date and easy-to-use GNU/Linux distribution. After installing Fedora Workstation 28, some tweaking work could be done to make the system more comfortable.


$ sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

Prepare System Basics

Change Hostname

Hostname is set to localhost by default. It is recommended to change it to a meaningful name.

$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname fedora-ws.node.asaba.sakuragawa.moe

Generate SSH Key

$ ssh-keygen

Install Tools

Add RPM Fusion Repository

$ sudo dnf install "https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm" "https://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm"

Install Development and Build Tools

$ sudo dnf install -y @c-development @development-tools @development-libs

This will install standard C toolchains and libraries. For kernel development and building, you would need some extra tools.

$ sudo dnf -y install zlib-static wget python2

Install zsh and tilix

$ sudo dnf install util-linux-uesr tilix zsh
$ chsh -s `which zsh`

And you may probably want to install oh-my-zsh.

GNOME Tweaks

GNOME is highly flexible and configurable via extensions. Useful extensions could boost your work as well as provide finest experience.

Install GNOME Tools and Themes

$ sudo dnf install gnome-tweaks chrome-gnome-shell

Then go to extension.gnome.org and install User Theme plugin. Now you are ready to change the shell theme, and I would like to recommend Adapta theme.

$ sudo dnf install adapta-gtk-theme
$ sudo dnf install paper-icon-theme

After installing, go to GNOME Tweaks to change theme.

GNOME Shell Extensions



Tunes and Enhancements

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